2024 Awareness Campaign

One Community. Shared Dreams.

SMA Europe’s community comprehends different generations with different needs and contexts from many different countries.

The 2024 Summer Awareness Campaign aims to unite our community under one, common hashtag: #WeAreOne while enhancing the fact that even if our community is so diverse, we keep having one, common dream: to create a better world for all people living with SMA.

Support Research in SMA!

One Community. Shared Dreams.

Watch this space for video and audio releases for our #WeAreOne awareness campaign!

“One Community. Shared Dreams”

Watch our documentary.

“My dream is…”

Discover our shared dreams!

One Community. Shared Dreams.

Watch our trailer!


We Are One: The SMArt Warriors

Written by Roli Rastogi


Enjoy images from our Awareness 2024 campaign. 




We Are One: The SMArt Warriors

Written by-: Roli Rastogi

In life's vast canvas, we're all unique, like nature's art. Each one a masterpiece, with a place in every heart. We're not trapped by challenges, we stand with pride, With strong hearts and courage, side by side.

We are the SMArt warriors, standing tall and strong, Facing every challenge, where we belong.

Together, we rise, breaking barriers, we're one, Celebrating our differences, our unity spun. Though breathing might be hard, our spirits fly, With each breath, we reach for the sky so high.

We are the SMArt warriors, united in our quest, With strength and bravery, we face every test.

Though muscles might weaken, our spirit won't wane, Each step forward, our determination reigns.

Life's short, but every moment, we treasure dear, Finding joy in each moment, wiping every tear.

We are the SMArt warriors, strong in our might, Together, we'll overcome, shining bright.

For those in wheelchairs, wheels are our guide,

With courage as our compass, we stand side by side. Dreaming together, sharing our hopes and schemes, As one community, chasing shared dreams.

We are the SMArt warriors, our unity our power, Spreading love and hope, hour after hour.

We tried, we cried, hearts heavy with grief,

For families who lost someone, their pain beyond belief. Yet we press on, honoring our Smart warriors' grace, Hiding our tears, as we journey through life's maze.

We are the SMArt warriors, united in our plight, With families by our side, we'll continue to fight.

For those who don’t feel so strong, so brave, so powerful, Know we're here for you, in every moment, we're dutiful. With love and support, we'll help you and your way, Together, we'll navigate the darkest night to day.

To caregivers who stand by, our gratitude we share,

For their endless support, beyond compare.

Their sacrifices we cherish, their efforts so grand, Together, we face life, hand in hand.

We are the SMArt warriors, bound by love and grace, Together, we'll triumph, in life's race.

Yes, we are the SMArt warriors, a beacon so bright, With love and courage, we'll light up the night.


Contact Roli Rastogi by email at: roli.rastogi95@gmail.com